Art by Norbert Stockhus
International Forum for Literature and Art
English: Poetry | Stories | Literary translations | Lyrics
Bilingual: Art / Kunst | Directory with search engine / Verzeichnis mit Suchmaschine | Garten literarischer Irrungen / Garden of literary confusion (blog)
German: Poetry | Prose | Literary translations | Home
Site last updated: 15.12.20
- Sarah Kirsch, Queen Hortensia - translation of a short poem
- Three American sentences - short poems by Johannes Beilharz
- Peggy Guggenheim about Dorothea Tanning
- Far Eastern Teachings II
- Rome, Easter Sunday 2020 - a poem by Niebla
- Dimitris Lyacos Poena Damni - extracts
- Samantha's painting / Still life with tulip and chimneys / Loving and free, poems by Johannes Beilharz in Salt River Review
- The 1002nd night, an ultrashort Arabian night by Leonard Blumfeld
- First poem and It is not imaginary by Deirdre LaPenna
- Lyrics, an eclectic collection of song lyrics (Carla Bruni, Jackson Browne, Bruce Springsteen, Joni Mitchell, Rolling Stones, etc.)
- Short fiction by James Steerforth, Surendra Sparsh, Leonard Blumfeld and many other authors
- Paintings by Indian artist Amritah Sen
- Poems from the German expressionist decade (expanded)
- Inspired Poems – an anthology of poems inspired by other poems or poets
In preparation:
- Poetry from Bulgaria in English translation by Zdravka Mihaylova
- Art by German and international artists
This site is being continuously expanded as new authors and artists join and time permits.
Please feel free to e-mail your poetry, short fiction (up to 3 printed pages) or art (JPG, GIF or TIF files or photos up to letter or A4 size) for evaluation and publication. Entries in German, Catalan, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian are accepted. Contact: e-mail or snail mail
Forum Literatur und Kunst
Oberweiler 26
DE-72124 Pliezhausen
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